Resistance Bands Color Chart

Brown represents the multiplier 10.

Resistance bands color chart. Resistor Color Code Chart. That said you can also find tan silver and gold. Band 1 First digit value of resistor.

Since it is a four-band resistor the first two bands violet and green will indicate the. Two colours in a single square indicates that you should use two resistance bands together two combine the total resistance level. Yellow is the most common color for bands that provide very light resistance although some brands use tan or green for this resistance level.

Green resistance bands are stiff and unyielding. 5 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator. Thus the value of the resistance to the corresponding color code is 47010 4700 ohms or 47-kilo ohm with the tolerance band being Grey which represents a tolerance of - 005.

The charts show the resistance strengths for the Thera-Band colors sequence. Select the number of bands then their colors to determine the value and tolerance of the resistors or view all resistors Digi-Key has to offer. Skip to Main Content 800 346-6873.

These bands provide very little tension equal to only a few pounds of weight. Red resistance bands have a higher level of tension than green and yellow. Beginning from the other end the first band and second band is yellow and violet which gives the 1 st and 2 nd significant digit of 4 and 7 respectively.

Each color represents a different resistance level. The first two bands represent the significant digits the third band is a multiplication factor the fourth band is for tolerance and the fifth band is for the temperature coefficient ppmK. The extra third band is blue and so the 3 rd significant digit is 5.

The next a 5-band code provides a little more information about the. Like the purple resistance bands you should use these only with large muscle groups or after you have practiced with stretchier bands. The different colors of resistance bands may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Use the Resistor Color Code Chart below to understand how to use the color code system. Violet represents 7 and Black represents the value 0. It appears you have JavaScript.

4 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator. Depending on the brand of resistance band the most common colors include yellow green red blue black silver and gold with yellow being the lightest and gold the strongest. 13 rows Resistance Resistor Color Code Band 1 Band 2 Band 322 ohm R22 Red Red Silver27 ohm R27.

The first chart shows the resistances in pounds and the second gives the same information in units of kilograms. This resistor color code calculator is designed to find the resistance and tolerance values of through hole resistors. But for those just shopping for a single resistance band to help them with their pull-ups then Iron Core has put together a helpful chart below to help you pick the right coloured band for you.

This tool is used to decode information for color banded axial lead resistors. 11 rows The resistance calculator has 1 to 6 band colors with Multiplier Mul and tolerance. Light tension bands are used for rehabilitation purposes and to work small stabilizing muscles such as the rotator cuff muscles in the.

After youve been building muscle strength for a few days and are ready to try more resistance challenging go with a red resistance band. Red resistance bands are used for muscle work such as legs back and chest. The blue resistance band.

6 Band Resistor Color Code Calculator. Find the value and tolerance of a 4 band 5 band or 6 band resistor with our Resistor Color Code calculator or download our color code PDF for reference. The first resistor in the chart with 4 bands tells you the minimum information you can learn from a resistor.

From the resistance color code chart we obtain a tolerance value of 1 for brown. Legs chest and back. 13 rows Q1 Determine the resistance of the given resistor with the given colour sequence Red Green.

The green resistance band. When looking at the chart note the illustration of three round resistors with numerous color code bands.